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FAQs about Canada’s COVID-19 support programs and re-opening plans

This free webinar series answers the most frequently asked questions about Canadian COVID-19 business support programs and re-opening plans.

Businesses have asked and governments have responded.

Over the last month, our federal, provincial and municipal governments have released a vast list of wage subsidies, low-interest loans and more meant to help Canadian businesses weather the COVID-19 storm. You can find a full list – that we update on a daily basis – here.

Each program has different eligibility requirements, application procedures and limitations, and they’re constantly changing. It can get confusing. As a result, we’ve had tons of questions from businesses looking to access these new resources.

Our team has put together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and set our COVID-19 Resources Lead to the task of answering them. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll release short videos walking you through the FAQs for each section on our Resources page.

Here are our FAQs for COVID-19 business support programs:

Recovery and Re-opening Series

Episode 1: General Overview


  • 1:26 – Overview of the staged approach released by the Ontario Government and the May 14 announcement on Stage 1 re-openings
  • 2:44 – As the Ontario Government prepares a framework for re-opening the economy, how can I prepare my business?
  • 3:06 – I have some concerns about re-opening my business. How can I make sure my voice is heard?
  • 3:29 – I have put together best practices for my business. Where can I upload the document for others to use?
  • 3:53 – I’m having a hard time sourcing personal protective equipment (PPE) for my business. How can I access PPE?

Episode 2: Manufacturing Sector


Episode 3: Small to Medium-Sized Businesses




  • 1:33 – How can I apply/stay on top of these programs as they are rolled out?
  • 2:19 – How do I know if I’m eligible for these loans?
  • 3:00 – Can I utilize all the loan programs?
  • 3:20 – There seems to be a loan through Export Development Canada and a Co-Lending Program through the Business Development Bank of Canada. Can you explain the difference?
  • 4:40 – I’m in the Agri-Food sector, what is out there for me in terms of loans and funding?
  • 6:23 – Rapid fire Q&A – CEWS + loans

Workforce and Labour


  • 0:54 – Can you explain how Work-Sharing works?
  • 2:34 – Can programs be stacked? Can you stack the Work-Sharing program with the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy?
  • 4:07 – If I’m eligible for the 75% Wage Subsidy and some of my employees were laid off, how can we proceed?
  • 6:04 – Revenue hasn’t decreased by 15% or 30%, but my profits have decreased by 35%. Am I eligible for the 75% Wage Subsidy?
  • 6:51 – What if after utilizing the 75% Wage Subsidy, our company realizes that we weren’t eligible?
Our resources page provides in-depth information about available COVID-19 business support programs.

Still have questions? Contact our team!